A new creation

One of my favorite things about Christmas break – having two weeks off of school, is the time to come down to my craft room and just spend time creating. This guilt free time spent doing what makes me happy is a rejuvenating force for my spirit.

This morning I grabbed some wood shims, a gift bag, some wax stain and some mod podge. I had a idea of what I was trying to do, but not being the most creative or artistic person, I wasn’t sure I could bring my idea to fruition. And while the end product is by no means perfect (but really, what is perfect anyway? perfect to whom?), it is mine, and I love it. And what I love the most about it is that it came from items that were nothing special. By themselves, they were just ordinary, every day items. But with a little spark of an idea, some time and some work, they came together as something new and beautiful.


This really got me thinking about the work that God is doing in me. I don’t think I’m anything special. I’m pretty ordinary, without many gifts. BUT…God sees the end product. He is the artist and creator, and I am the raw materials. With some time and work (on my part), He can spark something completely new and beautiful in me. And while I may not be beautiful to others, I am in my creator’s eyes. He made me. He loves me. He sees so much in me that I can’t even see myself.



Hey y’all! So since we have been living through a pandemic, I have been spending a lot of time finding and doing things that make me happy! One of those things that I have rediscovered a love and a passion for is crafting! Initially, I started making wooden signs using my Cricut – and I still love doing that. Recently, though I have discovered a love for taking something old (and maybe not so cute) and giving it new life. I know that this is nothing earth-shattering, and that people do this all the time – but for me, it’s a new fun hobby that I would like to share with you!

So today, I masked up and headed out to Goodwill to find some new (old) items to repurpose. I already have a few ideas about what I am going to do with some of these items – so you will have to stay tuned to see them repurposed. For now, here are all the goodies I picked up – for under $30. Continue reading “Repurposing”